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Old Tue Apr 10, 2007, 01:16am
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Originally Posted by RPatrino
Rich, from what I can tell, everything matters in softball. We were told to examine the softballs to be sure they have the proper coeffiecent ratio or some such nonsense. They take this so seriously around here that if they have the wrong balls we are to postpone the game. Imagine that.

When I do softball I trade in my point to the side strike call for a modified hammer. Not the big, stand-up ASA hammer, just a little jab. I don't paint my "N" black and I still wear a number on my jacket (navy with red panel). I have yet to be told to stay home, and I'll work my NCS playoff games in baseball and leave the softball to the nit pickers. LOL
The difference between genius and ordinary is the attention paid to every little detail. That's not original to me, but it's close to my heart.

That's why many can do baseball, but only the really good umpires get to do softball (especially fastpitch).

If you're not too lazy to shop, you can get those base shoes with a black N. If you ever have to do more than one game in a day, you might consider getting some SuperFeet for your shoes. When you get them and want to remember who suggested them, you'll thank an umpire who once was proud to work at a high national level - likely doing NBCWS while you were doing Little League - but is even more proud to work with thousands of good umpires and good people. Ninety-five percent of these guys and gals check their egos at the door.

But don't think it's just a few baseball umpires. Ran into two BB umpires the other day, both of whom I worked with in HS basketball this year. BUT, since they were now BB umpires, they couldn't dare talk to a couple of softball umps
An ucking fidiot
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