Mon Apr 09, 2007, 08:33pm
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Location: South Bend, In.
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Originally Posted by Sal Giaco
Excellent post with great references. I think, however, we need to understand the INTENT or ORIGIN of the MLBUM approved ruling. Personally, I believe the A.R. was put into place to emphasize that just because a batted ground ball is deflected, the protection of the defense's ability to further make that play is NOT nullified . Anytime a defensive player is in the act of fielding a batted ground ball, he will be protected against any collision initiated by a runner REGARLESS if the ball was deflected or not. The only time a defensive player is not protected is if the collision occures while he is chasing or in route to a deflected or misplayed ball. The video clearly shows that the collision occurred after the chase and not DURING the chase). The whole "transfer of protection" is added to soley to illustrate that ANY fielder that is in the act of fielding the ball regardless if it was deflected, who deflected it and where & who it is deflected to, is still protected as long as he is in the act of fielding the ball.
Your's is a compelling argument, Sal. I'm still convinced that a priveledged fielder can no longer be considered in the act of fielding a batted ball after it's been deflected more than a step and a reach away from him. Even if he's chased the ball and has it within those constraints at the time of the hindrance or contact this should hold true.