I can tell that for the last three weeks we have run three differrent super regional tournaments - in most cases there was at least 1 college level official on every floor at all times (all the way to D1 level). the problems on the floor with coaches after the first round are few and far between. Insanity is dealt with swiftly and decisively.
By the first round of bracket play everyone knows what is expected of them and they spend their time coaching for the most part.
The AAU has it's own regulations about ejections for coaches and players so the sight manager has little to do but enforce that since the AAU has approval rights to all sanctioned events.
I beleive that for boys the first one was free, then if a second one occured they were out a game and if there was another they were done for the tourney.
If true that is outrageous however having officials prepared to deal with problems immediately sort of eliminates that issue also.
this weekend we had a coach go within the First three minutes of a game. I think that is a new record!