Originally Posted by Durham
I like this last AR because I think the writers of the rule never invisioned the pitcher deflecting it and then fielding it with the possibility of a collision. My entire bone of contention on the play is that the runner ran into the pitcher while he was down on a knee wither with the ball in his hand or in his immediate reach. He did not make contact with the runner and had it not been for the runner, he never would have touched him. The object of the defensive part of the game is to get the ball and put guys out. If he gets their first and is down on a knee doing his job, isn't that the object of the entire game?
That A/R is the same in all codes -- if another fielder has the chance to make a play, then that other fielder becomes the protected fielder. Each fielder gets "one bite at the apple."
Also, working 2 man from the working area on this play you are probably looking through the pitchers back. You don't have super slow motion or even real time video to look at on the play. You can't tell if he has the ball or not but he is on top of it. What would you call? In a game I am gonna grab the non ****ty end of this stick and get INT. I'll get an arguement, but not a protest. Espeacially when I am not 100% if he has the ball in his hand or not. I'll let you know what the ruling ends up being.
I agree that the call on the field is difficult. If F1 has the ball, then it's a train wreck. I don't see how this play could be interference.