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Old Sat Apr 07, 2007, 11:59pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by tribefan1952
Hmmm... I'm not convinced about this one. What's to keep the catcher from deliberately throwing the ball at the RH batter who's standing in the box when there's a steal at 3rd base? Especially if you're sure to get the interference call... After all, it's a heck of a lot easier to hit a batter standing 4 feet away than to make a good throw and a good tag on the runner. This seems to give an unfair advantage to the defense.
Actually, that is an outstanding issue with the ASA.. people misinterpreting it.

The ASA will need to iron that out so that Umpires/coaches that think like what you stated and that idiotic call in the video dont happen.

I've argued in the past the ASA must cater to the lowest common denominator and that is why we have certain things like insisting on the slot and various other things. This change may represent a step outside that "lowest common denominator" thinking and it could be a problem in that respect.
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