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Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 11:41am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Situation c) is easy, and was included just for completeness. The other two at least cause a small pause to think through the possiblities.

In a) is the second touch on the return a second time by the base and only "counts" as that time by, leaving the first miss as appealable? Why or why not?

In b) are there two appeals available to the defense or only one? Does it matter? Or none (does missing in both directions mean she never passed the base in the first place - this, BTW, seems to be one argument made on the NFHS board - but, as I said, the argument being made is confusing, so I'm not sure - I haven't checked the NFHS board yet today as I write this) Would you demand the defense tell you which time by was the miss? Suppose you saw the first time by miss but not the second? Do you allow any appeal (since you can't say for sure that she did NOT touch the second time by)?

Last edited by Dakota; Fri Apr 06, 2007 at 11:43am.
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