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Old Wed Apr 04, 2007, 04:18pm
All_Heart All_Heart is offline
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Posts: 518
Originally Posted by OHBBREF
I'll conceed per the Case play on the pass
But with regard to stoping the dribble and then directly starting a dribble I am holding out bassed on the interpretation of Palming (illegal dribble) -
because the violation occurs when the dribble starts after the ball has come to rest in the hand.

I am saying that htere may be more than one answer here depending on the situation.
What interpretation of palming are referring too? "Palming" is really just another term for ending a dribble. When the player starts another dribble and ends that dribble is when the violation occurs NOT when the player palms the ball!

Rule 4-15-4 ...The dribble ends when:
a. The dribbler catches or causes the ball to come to rest in one or both hands.
b. The dribbler palms/carries the ball by allowing it to come to rest in one or both hands.
c. The dribbler simultaneously touches the ball with both hands.
d. An opponent bats (intentionally strikes the ball with the hand(s)) the ball.
e. The ball becomes dead.
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