Originally Posted by OHBBREF
b) The ball hits the floor and the ball is batted OB by player B1
d)The ball hits the floor and is coming back to A1
illegal dribble in B and D
Originally Posted by JoeTheRef
caseplay 9.5 A1 dribbles stops and throws the ball off the opponents backboard or an official and catches the rebound constitutes another dribble the caseplay specifically says the violation doesn't occur until A1 is the first one to touch the ball.
Sound right to say no violation in B and technically no violation in D either.
Originally Posted by OHBBREF
If you start a dribble a second time - are you not dribbling a second time?
From the case play the intent of the rule seems clear that a dribble is not defined as an actual dribble until the ball first returns to the player who started the dribble. This does seem to contradict the definition of dribble, where the dribble begins when the ball is pushed to the floor... the difference between dribble and double dribble.