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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 04, 2007, 01:36pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Ohio, cincinnati
Posts: 813
Originally Posted by JoeTheRef
After further review, I'm not violating the dribbler until he touches the second dribble after the dribble starts..

If in caseplay 9.5 A1 dribbles stops and throws the ball off the opponents backboard or an official and catches the rebound constitutes another dribble the caseplay specifically says the violation doesn't occur until A1 is the first one to touch the ball.
There are cases where you have to wait to make the violation call agreed
and the OP we are discussing is one of those.
if a player is standing still and dribbling with no other players around, the ball comes to rest in two hands and the player then bats the ball directly to the floor as soon as the ball hits the floor they have dribbled and violated. because they have clearly stared a dribble.

there are cases where batting the ball up court or in the air may not clearly have started a dribble, so you would have to wait.
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