Being "hung out to dry"
I am going to assume ( I know could be a big mistake) that most if not all us at one time or another have been "hung out to dry"
My question? how do you handle it?
Example: R1 number of outs unimportant.
You are in the "B" position
B1 hits a short pop up near the third base line. Because the pop-up was short F5 makes a diving play.
We all know that this is the PU's call, but now you see him pointing to you to make the call. Now what? The bottom line is that a Call needs to be made and we know the PU is not going to make it otherwise he would already have done so, therefore, you have to.
1. Do you follow the old adage - Cannot call what I don't see or
2. If you have "evidence" ie; You see the expression on B1's face like "that was a heck of a play on the part of F5" or something that gives you Explicit Evidence that it was indeed a catch.
Question number 2.
You know the coach (on whom the call went agaisnt) is going to request TIME and ask you
"Hey Blue how did you see that" or something along those lines.
Finally what's your post game like
In summary: What do you do when your partner "hangs you out to dry" and inevitably is the Coach going to get EJ'd
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth