Section 15 Art … 3 the dribble may be started by pushin, throwing or batting the ball to the floor before the pivot foot is lifted.
Art …4 the dribble ends when;
a. The dribbler catches or causes the ball to come to rest in one or both hands.
Violations and Penalties
Section 5: Illegal Dribble
Aplayer shall not dribble a second time after his/her first dribble has ended, unless it is after he/she has lost control because of;
Art 1 … A try for field goal,
Art 2 … A bat by an opponent,
Art 3 … A pass or fumble which has then touched or been touched by, another player.
So you are saying that – the illegal dribble does not occur until the ball is touched the second time but the dribble starts when the ball is batted to the floor?
Ex. A1 standing still legally starts his/her dribble by batting the ball to the floor, and moves toward the basket, after several steps A1 places both hands on the ball then intentionally bats the ball to the floor again and;
a. Continues to dribble
b. Runs along side the ball, without touching it.
You have an illegal dribble in one and not in the other?
I believe that the violation occurs when the dribble starts.