Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
The only problem is that the umpire is just as far away, has other duties which may delay his/her ability to react and get around the batter and catcher with that mask off. A pick-off will never be the PU's call because of his/her primary duties and inability to move into position earlier. The BU, though at a distance can start moving the moment s/he is aware the batter is not swinging. The PU does not have that ability.
I understand Mike and that is true.
In practice, I feel short changed as BU on this call and feel PU is usually better. As PU I definately feel better about this call. I am sure I could take it in most cases. I ALWAYS 100% talk about this play in pregame with my partner. I tell the PU that I'll make the call, but I'm willing to let the coach as me to go for help and see if he/she saw something a little different.
You just cant see the moment of the hand touching the bag in a good pick off attempt.
I 've also had situations where everything is very active on the bases with pick off attempts, lead offs etc, and its intense and a coach asks for time. I will take the time to talk with the PU about this play real quick.
It has been for quite a while. Check this year's Umpire Manual (page 208, Umpire to Umpire Communications, Para 5.)
HA! There it is. Hey good job getting that in there. I never noticed that. No wonder its universal!

What brought it up in my thinking is I had another umpire in pregame want to use some other signal (I dont remember what it was - holding the hat or something) and I said lets just do it this way like everyone else.