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Old Wed Apr 04, 2007, 12:29am
Don Mueller Don Mueller is offline
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Posts: 277
Originally Posted by scarolinablue

Question #2: Other team's coach didn't like one of my low strikes, but by now, it was the fourth inning or so and I had called it there all game (in hindsight, again, I was calling it just about a ball below the knees...lower than I normally would call it, but I had established it there and kept it there). In this case, I probably missed it and it was mid-shin, and this probably influenced my lack of ejection that followed. He approached calmly, asked how I could call that a strike, and I told him it was the same place I'd been calling them all game, we're not discussing this any further, let's play ball. .
I'm assuming he requested time and I'm assuming you granted.
IMO that's where things went awry.
I would never grant time to allow a coach to come to the plate and discuss balls and strikes in the middle of an inning.
If you don't grant time and he still comes to the plate, he's delaying the game and I would start ringing up strikes on his batter.
Lots of advantages with this strategy.
1. I'll probably get an "out" out of it.
2. He'll wise up real quick and get his butt back where it belongs. Or more likely
3. He'll lose his temper and you get an easy ejection with no mental gymnastics.

If he does manage to stay in the game you just nuetered him and I doubt you have any more problems.
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