What I find annoying is the inventing of new words to describe similar plays without explaning why there are new words. In this new 8-8-J-L EXCEPTION, we have,
...routine fly ball ... with ordinary effort...
while in the old 1-INFIELD FLY, we have,
... fly ball ... with ordinary effort ....
What does ROUTINE mean?
What is the difference between a ROUTINE fly ball that can be caught with ordinary effort and a just plain fly ball that can be caught with ordinary effort? Did the rule writers intend to communicate some difference here, or were they just being sloppy wrt how prior rules have been worded?
Does a ROUTINE fly ball include a bunt and line drive?
Of course, there are other differences between an infield fly and the new exception (runners, reference to infielders, etc.), but I am wondering about the word ROUTINE.