unreported sub (fed)
Today this happened. Fed rules. I'm working the plate. Girl comes up to bat, hits into a routine ground ball play, and is thrown out at 1st. Before the next batter comes up the offensive coach asks me "did my assistant give you the changes"? Turns out the girl who just made the ground out was unannounced. He now gives me that substitution as well as the girl coming up to bat. I tell him that was an unannounced sub, team warning, next player restricted to bench. He accepts it , as does the defense, and we continue.
But was that right? 3-3-3-d says an unannounced sub has entered the game when she takes her place in the batters box. That of course happened but when it was discovered she had just recorded an out and was sitting on the bench. From what I read she was an unannounced sub at the moment she entered the box, regardless of what happened later. What say you?