Originally Posted by UMP25
This hypothetical reminds me of the batter who swings at a pitch then asks, "Would that have been a strike if I didn't swing?" I answer "yes" every time, regardless of where the pitch was, just to get them to swing the frickin' bat and stop asking me such questions. 
I say the same thing...if they swing at one that they know is a ball they don't ask if they ask, it's probably close to being a strike so i just say yes and move on...to answer the coach's question here...if the coach wants to be a prick and try to bait you...then you can decide how to deal with him in the future...if you don't know the coach, don't play games back at him...if he asks for time and he's not showing you up...answer the question that was asked...if he would've caught the ball and all other things being equal...he would've been either safe or out...leave it at that...if he chooses to be a prick, you'll know that next time he tries...