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Old Sun Mar 03, 2002, 06:33pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Patrick Szalapski
Original post by Carl Childress
The FED has always held that the base protects a runner if the defense is playing behind a line drawn in front of the base. See 8.4.2H and I for further information.
Could you elaborate on this? I am not sure of your point you are trying to make with casebook play 8.4.2I. "Line drawn in front of the base"...huh?

8.4.2I is the play that gives rise to the "string theory" -- in FED ball, connect the infielders with a piece of string. IF the ball passes the string, a runner hit with the ball is not out (assuming no intent, of course). If the ball has not passed the string, the runner is out.

Situation 13 (the second half) seems to contradict this ("If no infielder had been in position to make a play, the ball would remain live.")
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