Originally Posted by varefump
At our state association rules clinic this year, it was pointed out that pitchers cannot warm up in a gym or other place where they cannot be observed by the umpire(s).
From what I understand, the Federation wants all players to remain in sight of the umpires (within the confines of the field) at all times so as to be under the supervision of the umpires so that the catcher's mask rule will always be enforced.
I'll pass this along to Mary for a clarification.
If that is their desire, then they need to make a rule stating this. Until such time as that rule is in effect, there is really nothing that we can do. And, if any such rule ever does take effect, NFHS will get some serious backlash from all of the schools who have spent all of the tax payers' money on elaborate facilities that are no longer legal. I know of several schools who have batting cages and warm up areas that are really nice, yet they are not in view of the umpires on the field. If that rule ever does pass, it will most certainly have a very short life expectancy.