Originally Posted by K-Bach
I was in the stands with other officials and several evaluators. One of the evaluators, after making a complimentary remark about the handling of the coach, offered another tactic. He suggested that, after the first T, the second official could have wandered by and informed the coach that he would not be given a second T and therefore would not be given an easy escape from horror of witnessing his girls' embarrassing loss. If he wanted to give up on his team and leave, he would have to do so on his own volition. Otherwise, I (the official), who cannot leave and must suffer through the remaining 15:00 of the game, would expect him to suffer as well.
Personally, I think that logic is right up there with Old School's post. It's just another excuse
not to call a "T". You're not only letting that clown completely get away with his crap, but you're also setting up the next bunch of officials that get him to have to deal with nonsense like that. Why should they have to clean up somebody else's mess?
Put up with that crap for another 15 minutes without doing something about it? Well, I sureasheck wouldn't! Just take care of bidness. Deal with what happens and don't try to overthink these types of plays.