Thread: Whaddaya Do?
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Old Thu Mar 29, 2007, 12:42pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
For MCROWDER: if you say to me "tags" as it refers to the LR, I'm thinking tag up on a fly ball as either you are responsible for a runner or you are not.
Well ... first I'd never say that. Honestly, reading the OP, his statement meant to me what it apparently meant to his partner. I thought it an odd statement, as with the mechanics I'm used to, that statement is not always true, but I am also aware that customs differ elsewhere. I guess it's like a dialect --- but the reference to "tags" didn't even vaguely refer to runners touching bases on a pop fly - I'm just not accustomed to the word "tag" (without the "up" on the end) being used that way. I NOW see, however, what he meant.

And I still wonder if perhaps the confusion his partner had is identical to the confusion I had.

On a ball to the OF, how often are you going to see a put out by a force play? (I'm intentionally not using an exception for 1B as we have all discovered, that is not a force out ).
Not often.
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