Thread: Jim Burr
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Old Thu Mar 29, 2007, 08:10am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by socalreff
That's a major problem for a great number of officials:
But not for officials who are truly trying to improve and move to another level. That's why we go to camp, to be critiqued; to be criticized. I agree that many officials don't want to hear an honest critique; but I would suggest that the vast majority of those people are not working to improve their officiating. I see very few people at camp who refuse to accept an honest critique.

It would be interesting to see how officials would be rated if it was only by their partners. I think most officials would struggle to give honest ratings of people they work with all the time.
My college association has each member rate each of his/her partners over the entire season. It's done anonymously and I think pretty much everybody participates.
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