Thread: Whaddaya Do?
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Old Wed Mar 28, 2007, 08:15am
JEL JEL is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 910
[QUOTE= How would you have handled this one (assuming it wasn't your girlfriend!)?[/QUOTE]

I would have (girlfriend, good friend, wife, or other) re-discuss coverage assingments at thte next half inning!

BTW, I would NEVER call a game with my girlfriend. The wife would probably find out and I'd get in trouble!

I have called with many different guys and gals, and several times a year wind up covering games as a "favor" to other associations that need the help (usually on very short notice) and wind up with a partner I have never met. If you call "by the book", and communicate, all usually goes well.

The easiest, and often the smoothest games I call are done with my wife. After 28 years of living together, we can communicate without even speaking! I know where she will be on the field, I know when she needs help with a call, and the same goes for her. If either needs help on a possible tag, pulled foot or such, we know by eye contact what the other saw. It's really neat, and no one else can pick up the "telepathy"! Without my having said a word about it, she will ask sometimes why I thought she missed that strike (or ball, safe, or out call).

We have 3 husband and wife combos in our group. Often we work as a "mom and pop" teams. I did have one coach say to me (I was PU) "well I guess you won't over-rule that call since you are together". I told him I wouldn't (or couldn't) over-rule her if she was his wife! That may be the only drawback in that coaches may feel they are being double teamed of sorts, but that is really a mis-perception!
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