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Old Tue Mar 27, 2007, 03:59pm
Don Mueller Don Mueller is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Northern OH
Posts: 277
Originally Posted by UMP25
It's obvious you don't understand the first thing about assigning for a bunch of individuals who simply will not do what you propose. (A) It's cumbersome [the online book cannot be printed as a single file], (B) it's time consuming, (C) it's not as easy as having a book readily on hand.

It is human nature to want things provided as easily as possible, and while I disdain spoonfeeding people, there are certain instances when it's best to make things easier. One of these is providing rule books--not a collection of printouts from the Web, but traditional rule books.

Please restrict your unhelpful comments to another thread. This one is for a source from which to obtain the OBR book. I don't need a lecture from someone unable to understand what I am asking.
Johnny doesn't get it!
I on the other hand know exactly what you're looking for:
One leather bound OBR rules book for each umpire in your association individually boxed, labeled and shipped to their home, because if you know anything about human nature you know we don't want to go to meetings.
Each book of course will come pretabbed and labeled with your top 10 points of emphasis for the year because as we all know(except Johnny) most good umpires, like the ones in your association, most certainly need spoonfeeding.
Above all, we certainly don't want to get ripped off by the man. We can't have the publisher making a nickel off us, "WE'RE UMPIRES for HEAVENS SAKE" so you expect a fair price of $2.00 per book delivered.
So I'm with you on this one Ump
Get a life Johnny and stop trying to help when you have no idea what people are really looking for!!!