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Old Tue Mar 27, 2007, 11:19am
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
Stop staring at me swan.
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,974
i've read more ramblings on this forum than i'd care to admit. who's saying you have to print this stuff off? if a person feels the need to print it, then they print it...if they want to read the rules off of the screen...then do that...for the most part...the rules that you will use 99% of the time in your games, you could probably use the rules from 1985 and be okay...that's not meant to be a knock on your or anybody...just being realistic in that amateur umpires typically do not know the entire rule book in the first place. JMO...boy do I hope you find your book...try they even have used ones on there for like $3.00...since you appear to be a guy who likes deals...
It's like Deja Vu all over again