It's obvious you don't understand the first thing about assigning for a bunch of individuals who simply will not do what you propose. (A) It's cumbersome [the online book cannot be printed as a single file], (B) it's time consuming, (C) it's not as easy as having a book readily on hand.
It is human nature to want things provided as easily as possible, and while I disdain spoonfeeding people, there are certain instances when it's best to make things easier. One of these is providing rule books--not a collection of printouts from the Web, but traditional rule books.
Please restrict your unhelpful comments to another thread. This one is for a source from which to obtain the OBR book. I don't need a lecture from someone unable to understand what I am asking.
Last edited by UMP25; Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 10:28am.