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Old Tue Mar 27, 2007, 07:24am
sargee7 sargee7 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: York County, Maine
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by wmblue
That's not how we do things in Maine. In Maine at least for most associations, we do things in the manner Rich described. Most umpires arrive 45 minutes before game time, if you're not there by 20 minutes before, if you had the plate, you don't have it now.

Up north where the schools are very spread out, sometimes its impossible to get to a game 30 minutes before but the effort should be made. Showing up anything less than 30 minutes before a game is something that makes me sick to do. 45 to 60 is my comfort zone, especially for freshman and above. Lower levels 30 minutes is fine.
wmblue. Please don't try to speak for everyone is Maine. I agree with what you are saying about arrival times, I arrive at least 30-45 minutes before games, if work time allows, but never less that 15 minutes. I also agree what has been said that an umpire should not be sitting in the stands waiting for his partner. He should, most likely be in or by his car reading the rulebook.

I also agree about your 20 minute time limit, but, if my partner hasn't shown up with 10 minutes before game time, I will assume that I will PROBABLY be doing this game alone and start prepping for the game, walking the filed, checking equipment, etc. I will not, and am sure that not too many others will wait for an appeal or for someone to be hurt by inappropriate or damaged equipment like some others. If & when my partner finally shows up, then we will, at least, be that far ahead in getting the game started.

It has been said that some will never enter the field without his partner. Sometimes you may not have a choice. Leaving the field with your partner is a different story

This my be just a personal decision and not related to any one particular association, but that's the way that I do it, and several other people in our District do it the same way and I have done it this way for a long time and not just in the state of Maine.
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