Originally Posted by Welpe
SAUmp, Other than the word "rubber" and the subject of baseball, I'm trying to figure out how your last post is even remotely related to this topic?
I must confess. Now if the title would have read "Signs from the Rubber" I probably wouldn't have done it. I thought of starting a new thread. I thought of attaching it to the McDavid/Underarmour thread. Yet, not many people on this website want to discuss the finer points of wearing a CUP inside 2 jocks. I knew it wouldn't generate much discussion anyway, beyond the imagery. For example, "If you really wanna take good care of your boys, just follow my simple advice."
Some have discussed cutting the excess straps off the top of a brand new $60 mask before. Others have discussed cutting the upper-arm guards off a brand new $100 CP. Many have discuss cutting the metatarsal guard off a brand new pair of $120 Wilson leg guards. A few have even discussed cutting the throat padding off a brand new $150 Wilson Platinum CP. Why should I appear a little skittish about cutting the straps and waistband off an old worn out jock?
I didn't say cut the straps off a perfectly good $8 jock. I still believe it is pretty good advice and I can't remember if anyone else has suggested it before. Is anyone here gonna teach a LLer why he must wear a jock in the first place? The title did read "Signs of Rubber" and so I did what everybody else does. I simply hijacked my way onto this thread. I am sure there is a better place for it, but I am not gonna go out of my way to look.