Originally Posted by canadaump6
Actually the "BS" that I have to "qualify this" is that I do not have my license. No reason to get jipped for insurance costs. 19 year old male; certainly gonna cost way too much to get my G2 right now.
Do you know of any other places I can go before the game? I could hide out in the dirty umpire's changeroom. I just don't want to take the chance of my partner showing up late, going straight to the diamond, and making me go to the diamond so that it looks like I was late.
10 minutes before game tie? You should be on the field checking equipment and walking the field at least 15-20 minutes before game time. If by then, it's about 10 minutes before game time, if your partner hasn't shown up, you tell the coaches you'll be right back and you now run to your car and gear up and hope that your partner has finished putting his on and is on his way to the field and meets you half way.