Originally Posted by ozzy6900
Why are you not waiting in the parking area? You should not be waiting in the "fan" area for your partner. So what if your partner doesn't show and it's 10 minutes to game time, do you run to the car and put on the plate gear? There is absolutely no excuse to be waiting anywhere but by your car (although I'm sure you will come up with some BS to qualify this).
Actually the "BS" that I have to "qualify this" is that I do not have my license. No reason to get jipped for insurance costs. 19 year old male; certainly gonna cost way too much to get my G2 right now.
Do you know of any other places I can go before the game? I could hide out in the dirty umpire's changeroom. I just don't want to take the chance of my partner showing up late, going straight to the diamond, and making me go to the diamond so that it looks like I was late.