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Old Sun Mar 25, 2007, 03:37pm
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. is offline
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
Posts: 8,100

I have not had any PM's with NevadaRef about this play but I think that all of us will agree on the following items:

1) The rules state that Team A has five (5) seconds to release the ball during the throw-in such that it then crosses the throw-in boundary and is subsequently touched by another player on the court either inbounds or out-of-bounds. The rules allow for Team A to release the ball such that it rules up the court in the manner that Team A was attempting in the situation at the start of this thread.

2) When the game officials, i.e., court officials or table officials, make a mistake it is the responsibility of the court officials to make sure that neither team is put at a disadvantage because of the officials' mistake.

3) Team A had complied with the first part of the throw-in rules. It had released the ball on a throw-in such that it then crossed the throw-in boundaryl The throw-in does not end until one of two things happen: (1) The ball is touched by another player on the court either inbounds or out-of-bounds; or (2) The ball went out-of-bounds without being touched by a player on the court either inbounds or out-of-bounds.

3) At some point during Team A's throw-in the Timer incorrectly started the clock too soon. The Timer's mistake does not cause the ball to become dead.

4) The question that was posed was that if the court officials cause the ball to become dead before the throw-in ends, how is the ball put back into play after the clock is corrected.

5) NFHS R6-S4-A3e states: Alternating-possession throw-ins hsall be from the out-of-bounds spot nearest to where the ball was located. An alternating-possession Throw-in shall result when: The ball becomes dead when neither team is in conrrol and no goal, infraction nor end of quarter/extra period is involved.

6) Lets forget that this play actually happened and treat it as a question on a rules examination. Bob Jenkins in his very first post in this thread (Mar. 21/Wed.(09:32am, 2007) said: "Inadvertant whistle with no team in control. Go to the arrow." I do not agree that this was an inadvertant whistle, but going to the AP Arrow is correct per NFHS R6-S4-A3e.

7) Lets go back to the real world now. What is the best way to handle this situation? Do not make the ball dead until after the ball one of the following things has happened after the throw-in has ended: (1) A player from either Team A or Team B has established player control; (2) Team A has committed a throw-in violation; or (3) The throw-in has ended and the ball as then gone out-of-bounds with neither team in control of the ball. I am sure that we can all think of a few other situation to add to the three that I just mentioned, but now the officials can correct the clock and restart play.

8) I agree that if the officials make the ball dead before the throw-in ends, applying NFHS R4-S4-A3e could put Team A at a disadvantage even if the AP Arrow favors Team A. That is it is so important for the officials to have game awareness. I can understand the pressure of a state championship game with players and coaches screaming at the officials that the clock is running when it is not supposed to be running, but that is game awareness is required.

9) If the officials stop the game before the throw-in ends and wants to give the ball back to Team A when the AP Arrow favors Team B and B-HC is saying in the conference among the court officials and head coaches that his team should get the ball because of NFHS NFHS R4-S4-A3e, how do the court officials expain their decision to give the ball back to Team A.

10) I guess, my advice is to not let oneself get into the position. I am not going to stop play until after the throw-in ends.

JR, I understand your position and I think that we agree that the rule as written is not good for the situation is this thread.

Maybe we should be working to get the NFHS rule more in line with the NCAA rule.

MTD, Sr.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio
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