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Old Sat Mar 24, 2007, 06:50pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by CoachJM

If done properly, the move you describe is legal. The pitcher must remain in motion and must land his step more towards 3B than to home. He also cannot break the back plane of the rubber with his free foot. If the R2 only feints to 3B (in the umpire's sole judgement), the F1 will have balked.

As to why you've never seen it, that I can't answer. Maybe the coaches don't know it's legal. You quoted the (most relevant) rule.

Generally correct, but:

1) The entire free foot (or, in NCAA any part of the stride leg) must break the plane of the back of the rubber before F1 is committed to throw to second or home

2) In FED, F1 can throw to an unoccupied base if the runner even feints an advance.
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