Thread: Slow Pitch Umps
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Old Sat Mar 24, 2007, 11:34am
jimpiano jimpiano is offline
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Originally Posted by scottk_61
I have stayed out of this a bit just to let the other voices of experience (and those who give a sh** about doing things right) BUT...................

If you want to use a weird mechanic and thus "teach" the teams you work with that doing things half_a$$ is what you are all about, then fine.
Have fun.
If you want to do things right, help the teams have a good game without conflict, and be able to understand the umpires they do have that are good.


I worked for years to learn all that I could about proper mechanics and still keep learning as the requirements change. I take pride in myself and my fellow blues.
I expect the game to be done correctly by me and my partners.
But then again, I have had higher aspirations as to game assignments.
I wanted to become a ASA Gold umpire at first,
Then I wanted to be a member of the National Indicator Fraternity
Then I wanted to become as ASA ELITE,
Then I wanted my ISF.

I achieved my goals.
Working around 35 - 38 Nationals over the years.
I have enjoyed the time with many great memories.

One thing I have found at every National I have ever worked,
Team complaints about the "umpire back home" who did this or that etc that had nothing to do with proper mechanics or rules application.

So, if you don't give a rat's a$$ about doing it right for your own games, consider and show some respect for your fellow blues and stick to the prescribed mechanics so we don't have to "re-educate" the teams when they make it to a regional or a national tounament.

This really is about respect,
Your respect for the game and your responsibility to the teams that you serve.
It is rather presumptious and unprofessional for you to bash anyone,especially one you do not know.

The signal I desribed, the double fist for ball hitting the plate, violates no standard covered by ASA. I find it useful at several levels in making the game enjoyable and informational for the players.

I would never use it at an advanced level of play since it would be of no value.

I am glad you reached your goals, although I am sure one of them was not to be rude.
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