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Old Fri Mar 23, 2007, 11:01pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Um, where may I confirm that a whistle had actually blown and the clock was dead?
I don't know. I'm not asking you to. As I said, I didn't see the play, and I haven't watched it on youtube. I'm simply asking you to give a rules reference for your claim earlier in this thread that a an accidental whistle wouldn't matter in the play in question because the clock never started. I am saying that a whistle would matter because it would cause the ball to become dead.

If you're claiming that a whistle never sounded, fine. But that still doesn't justify your earlier comment that the whistle wouldn't have mattered if it had sounded. You seem to have an aversion to providing a rules citation to back up that statement.

And again, and for the last time, I couldn't care less about how to put the ball back in play after the accidental whistle. That's simply an irrelevant distraction from the actual issue under discussion.

I've made my point as well as I can make it. So I'm done with this thread until/unless somebody can provide a reasonable answer to my question. Assuming there was a whistle before the ball actually touched out of bounds, by what rule can you take time off the clock that includes time after the ball was dead? Very simple question, really. And I think we all know the answer.
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