Originally Posted by PeteBooth
1. if there is bad blood between rival teams do you stress sportsmanship at the Plate Conference?
2. What do you do in the second game of a double Dip in which there were problems in game number 1.
3. Do you have a quicker "trigger finger" than normal if you hear trash talking chaterring back and forth, etc.?
4. if F1 throws a high pitch around the head area will you warn right there or simply EJ F1 so a riot doesn't break out.
I could go on and on but my question how do you control a game?
Pete Booth
1. I always stress sportsmanship at the plate meeting, regardless of who is playing.
2. If I am PU I tell the coaches that we had some issues in the first game that will cause us to be less tolerant in the 2nd. "You understand, correct?"
3. No. But I will put a stop to trash talk, in the 1st game or the 2nd.
4. Warning unless I think he intentionally threw at the batter, which would be rare. Depends on the situation, especially what happened immediately prior to the batter's at bat.