Originally Posted by fullor30
Even at my lowly high school level..:-) we try and have same shoes, all patent leather or not, same style pants even though I don't own belted ones.
That is very silly. Considering that I have not worn belted pants since my first season that would be damn near impossible for me to match my partner's pants. I am not wearing the western front pants anymore whether you like it or not. I do not wear shoes based on what other people buy. If I tried to come close to matching shoes I would spend more money than I could afford just to be perfect as you think we should be. I guess every official I have worked with we look sloppy because of all the issues you would find a problem because we do not match they way you suggest. That is just plain stupid if you ask me.
Originally Posted by fullor30
I just thought at this high level attention to detail was a little sharper. Maybe he packed the wrong one who knows?
I am sure the coordinators or evaluators did not have an issue with this. Considering I saw several times on TV there were similar uniform "issues" when I watched games this season. I am sure someone does not care.