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Old Thu Feb 28, 2002, 10:45pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: north central Pa
Posts: 2,360
Since you're in a small association, y'all probably know each other better than those who are in larger associations. You'll know each other's strengths, weaknesses, and pet peeves. I suspect that somebody - maybe even you - is a buddng rules junkie. Have this person concentrate on the rules and their application - live in the rule book and case book. Get hold of some old Fed tests and study them. You've probably also got somebody in there who is annoyed 'cuz they got caught in a bad mechanic or out of position. Have this person concentrate on mechanics. I'd suggest that this person get the mechanics cd from and study that - it shows the accepted/preferred mechanics for both 2-man and the 3-man systems. With a relatively new and small association, you folks have a real chance to work together and get really good. Each of you should start to keep an umpire's diay fr every game - what was strange, what didn't I know how/what to do, what rule covers this, what is the mechanic for that. Bring these diaries to your meetings and talk about them. If there's a solid ump available, have tihs one come to several games and do some evaluations. When the teams that your association covers have a scrimmage - go call some pitches and work the bases. When these teams work indoors, go call some pitches. This way, when the season starts, you will have had just as much spring training as the payers. My first game is March 16. By that date, I will have done 3 college scrimmages, 2 high school clinics, read the college and high school rule books at least twice, begun listing differences and studying them, attended 4 association meetings, ... While there's nothing like the first game of the year, I'm hoping to be as ready as I can for it.
Steve M
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