Kind of reaching their Pat, you think.
Either way I cant believe the whole Appeal rule was thought out , planned and implemented in a timely manner. For the same reason I cant believe their is any intended discrimnation, this was hurriedly put in to the rule books. Just like last years rules involving handicapped players or coaches and umpires. ADA was'nt just invented yesterday.
And now the appeal rule is put in and published in the new books and low and behold at our first meeting, (Not the interpretation Meeting) we receive the "2002 Baseball Rules Interpretations Pre-Season Bulletin" and on page 3 is the following Note:
In all the a fore mentioned situations, or any play listed in the 2002 NFSH Baseball Casebook which deals with the umpire calling a runner out at the end of playing action, has been revised to indicate that unless the defense makes a valid appeal the umpire will ignore the base running infraction. An umpire is not to get involved unless a valid appeal is requested.
Just a small note in passing!!!!!!
I realalize a lot of coordination and time goes into to this but it seems that in these two situations somebody dropped the ball.
Discrimination? Certainly not on purpose. But Im just one opinion