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Old Thu Mar 22, 2007, 05:27pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
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Talking Time change question - you make the call

Just thought I'd throw this in since we just changed to DST. It's similar to an old posting of mine regarding officiating on a cruise ship that crosses the International Dateline during a game.

Let's say it's late at night just before we are going to change from DST to Standard time. The game is in multiple overtimes (which should tip you off that it wouldn't be my game). A1 is dribbling in his backcourt following a basket by team B. While he is dribbling, the time change occurs and it is now one hour earlier. How much time will you give him to get the ball across the division line?

BTW - I can't wait to hear Old School's interp on this.
Yom HaShoah
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