Thread: FED
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Old Thu Feb 28, 2002, 04:49pm
Roger Greene Roger Greene is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 517

Go to your Fed Case Book and read play 8.2.2E, or to the NHFS web site and read Situation 19.

I will quote from the NHFS web site in the play (Sit. 19) in which R1 misses second and the defense tags him while he is in contact with 3rd base, not knowing he missed 2nd. "RULING: Since the missed base was a forced base for the runner, the runner will be declared out on a force play even though the defense did not knowingly appeal the missed base. (2-24-1,2-29-3,8-2-7)"

You are correct that the 'Book' doesn't use the words "accidental appeal", but then neither does the OBR book use the terms relaxed and unrelaxed in refering to appeals.

In Fed ball if a force play or the batter runner at first base is involved, the defense may tag the base or the runner if the runner has missed the base and advanced beyond it. They will be granted the out even if the defense is unaware of the missed base and they do not make any appeal. The only way to describe this appeal is to call it what it is, an accidental appeal.

On any non force play, the appeal must be unmistakable, as you describe in your post.

As to the original question posted "Would you call it?" I certainly will. Then I may be required to restrict the offensive coach to the dugout since the rule has not been explained very well in any of the clinics I have attended or heard of.

Roger Greene
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