I sat and watched from the car as both teams went through fielding practice and you could see the coaches starting to look around for the umpires. It's about 3:45 and I'm starting to worry about my partner's whereabouts.
This is the thing that drives me crazy the most; partners who don't show up on time! Half the umpires in my organization come rushing to the ballpark 7 minutes or less before first pitch. So what the h*** am I supposed to do for the 20 minutes I am there before my partner gets there? Mingle with the fans in uniform? Hang out with the coaches? Or just stand beyond the outfield fence so that everyone can get a good look at me and wonder what I am doing before the game begins? It would make things a lot easier if my partner would be there; then we could discuss positioning and whatnot before the game begins. Grrr.