Originally Posted by sargee7
Sounds like this guy needs some retraining. But, I individually, do resent the comment about you working with volunteers. I don't think it is fair or appropriate to use such a blanket comment.
I know a whole bunch of guys/gals who volunteer and do an excellent job, I have also worked with guys/gals such as you describe.
This behavior isn't isolated to volunteer umpires. I had a HS JV game that was scheduled to start at 4:00. I'm assigned to work the bases. I arrived at the field at about 3:25. Both teams are already there and are throwing.
I sat and watched from the car as both teams went through fielding practice and you could see the coaches starting to look around for the umpires. It's about 3:45 and I'm starting to worry about my partner's whereabouts.
At 3:50 I open the trunk and start to put on the plate gear. Just as I'm pulling my shirt over my head a van comes around the corner and parks next to me. Out jumps a fellow whose wearing a wrinkled shirt, dirty pants and sneakers. Around his waist is a fanny pack.
Without saying hello he announces that he hopes I have a big f*cking strike zone. I should have taken off the gear right there but I knew the teams were itching to get the game started. My partner grabs a small gym bag and tells me he's ready.
He's still wearing sneakers and hasn't put on a hat so I assume that this stuff must be in his bag. We walk to the field and I watch in astonishment as he simply drops his bag along the fence and joins me for the plate conference.
Sneakers. Fanny pack. No belt. No hat.
And those were his positive attributes! His mechanics and positioning were terrible and I have some serious questions about his judgment.
To complete the picture, he came to me whenever he had a chance between innings to complain that none of the assignors will give him a varsity game.
As soon as the final out was called he literally grabbed his bag and ran to his van. Good enough for me, I had in his company for long enough on that day.