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Old Thu Mar 22, 2007, 07:52am
sargee7 sargee7 is offline
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Location: York County, Maine
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by Forest Ump
I'm working the plate tonight on a 13-15 year old game. My first sign that the base guy was not up to snuff was when he took a cell phone call during the plate meeting. Actually my pre-game meeting with this guy told me all I needed to know about him. It only got worse from there. Here are some examples of the craftsmanship or lack there of that this gentlemen showed.

1. Standing in the A position on all calls at first. I don't mean rotating in to get the angle. I mean standing in foul territory on all calls at first.

2. Staying in same position sited above when anything was hit deep and the B/R was going beyond first. He was usually talking to the base coach at the time of the hit. I legged it out to second on more than one occasion in case I had a close one at second.

3. He carried a soda bottle out to the B position with him and proceeded to drink from it.

4. He called time twice in the first inning to ask me what count I had. I told him between innings how I give the count and to be patient and he would soon hear it.

5. Last inning, getting dark quickly, I hustle the visiting team out so the home team can get their last at bat. I'm moving everyone along so we can get going. The pitcher says" Blue, we can't start yet. He then points behind me. Base guy is leaning up against back stop shooting the bull with some one.

I swear I am not making any of this stuff up.

This is what I get for working with volunteers.

Thanks, I needed to vent.

Sounds like this guy needs some retraining. But, I individually, do resent the comment about you working with volunteers. I don't think it is fair or appropriate to use such a blanket comment.

I know a whole bunch of guys/gals who volunteer and do an excellent job, I have also worked with guys/gals such as you describe.
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