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Old Thu Mar 22, 2007, 12:07am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Dan_ref
2 things:

1. Even though this is a debate between 2 people your interpretation is that one of us in in the minority. Is it possible to be promoted from King of Bullsh1t Interpretations to something higher? Emperor? Need to look into that.

2. If they meant it your way simply inserting the word "either" would have made it clear. Example: A1 is standing OOB when the ball bounces off his hands and lands OOB on the other sideline (let's assume A1 is Chuck). Where's the throw-in spot? Where it last touched the player or where it most recently touched either the player or the floor?
1. Just because you can't handle being told that your interpretation is not correct is no reason to resort to name calling. I don't believe that I have ever attempted to degrade and name-call you. Be an adult, Dan.

2. I'm sorry that the diction of the NFHS rules committee isn't up to your standards. You'll have to take that up with them. I'm still convinced that my understanding of what their words mean is quite reasonable.
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