Originally Posted by socalreff
Since the whistle blew b4 a player touched the ball, it is not a "do-over" to resume at the point of interruption. The throw-in was never completed so you must inbound at the original spot. Basic stuff to me. The NCAA change said that if the case was that he had touched it, the official could take off the appropriate time (estimate) and does not have to know exactly how much. And then have the throw-in closest to where it was touched.
Hope I'm not clear as mud. 
I still can't see where this play is covered by these bulletins.
There are 2 ways to handle it:
1. Blow it dead before the touch and fix the clock.
2. Blow it dead after the touch and fix the clock.
(well, a 3rd way is you can ignore it I guess)
In either case you know (or should know) how to fix the clock. The only part that is relevant is the NCAA's telling us to adjust the clock even though there might be some uncertainty, and that seems to be your response to JR's (stupid) question.
I don't think anyone is asking for a do-over. The only disagreement is where the throw-in is if you take the first choice. Seems that you, JR & I agree it should go back to the endline.