Thread: Court Coverage
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Old Wed Mar 21, 2007, 12:54pm
SeanFitzRef SeanFitzRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
What's the point of having a primary area of responsibility if you're not responsible for the ball when it's in your PCA? Women's coverage just makes no sense at all to me.

And what happens in the case that I described? Ball is in the post, players jockeying, and the ball gets kicked to the corner? Who takes the ball?
The lead's primary responsibility is not always the ball in these situations. If there is a competitive post matchup, most assignors and clinicians on this level want the L to stay with that matchup, as they have a better angle on - and proximity to - the post matchup, and can pick up something from 10 - 15 feet away that the C or T won't pickup from 35 - 45 feet away.

The T will continue with the ball, as was stated earlier in this thread. The reason this is done, as explained to me in camps and pregames, is to continue to referee the post matchup and keep the post play as clean as possible. Something might get lost in the transition from refereeing the post matchup to picking up the ball matchup. (Although, you would then presume that the L would pick up on something on ball if it were closer to their position also, right???)

I tried to explain it as best I can, from the way it was explained to me.
Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.
-- George R. Kirkpatrick

Last edited by SeanFitzRef; Wed Mar 21, 2007 at 12:57pm.
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