Originally Posted by NewNCref
Here's another thought I'd like to see what you guys think about, if there's no press on, why not just wait until he touches the ball, blow it dead, and reset the clock to the correct time, and then there's no question about where to give him the ball. Then again, that could be risky if the defense is anywhere near the ball or if Jon Diebler is playing defense. 
I think you nailed it right there. Bottom line is that you never know what will happen in the future, so it's best to correct clock (or other) mistakes right when you notice them. (That said, no need to go overboard like me - I'm so aware of the clock that I've had it corrected in middle school blowout games.)
The ideal situation is to have Diebler ref. That way he can do the book and the clock all at the same time.