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Old Wed Mar 21, 2007, 07:45am
Blue37 Blue37 is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by midtnblu
1st year for this... in TN we take our test online now and get results immediately.

After completing the test, it is graded and the answer sheet opens in a new window. In case of incorrect answers, the rule reference is cited next to the answer.
Remember, though, our test is not the Fed part two test. There is a pool of questions, and the computer randomly selects questions from that pool for each umpire. While there is a statistical possibility our tests were identical, in all probability, my test was very different from your test.

How did you do? I missed one. It had to do with the authority of the UIC to refuse to allow the dugouts to be extended. I had true, then changed it to false. They said true and cited 10-2-3g. Oh well.
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