Thread: Court Coverage
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Old Tue Mar 20, 2007, 11:45pm
worldbefree worldbefree is offline
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Originally Posted by johnnyrao
Does the lead in NCAA rules have a different court coverage than in NFHS? Maybe I am mistaken, but it seems to me that I have seen some leads make foul or violation calls on the lead's side, but beyond the three point arc. I know in NFHS that this area is the trail's area, but is it different in NCAA? I like to watch these games and try and learn how to apply what I see to my own games and I do not want to pick up bad high school habits that are actually correct NCAA procedures. Also, in the NCAA does the lead make a five second closely guarded call if th eball is in his primary?
Yes the lead has a different court coverage in NCAA. In Men's the lead has post play. He has a triangular area, if you will, that includes middle of the lane from freethrow line to base line as the furthest edge and then from his position on the baseline up through the post to the freethrow line. The trail has the leads side, with a 60/40, split up top. Trail takes 3 pt tries and sideline. Lead doesn't take anything outside 3 pt line. Primary could be extended if there is a play that needs to be officiated.
In NCAA W the lead has middle of the lane, from freethrow line to baseline all the way out to sideline. This is different than NFHS, in that NFHS stops coverage at the 3 pt line. Lead marks the 3 pt try in NCAA W but does not score the succesful goal. Trail has sideline out of bounds and plays going to the basket from their primary.
As for counting in NCAA, the lead will not count five seconds, the trail will help and make the count. Hope that helps.
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