Originally Posted by w_sohl
Wouldn't this be a good pregame discussion? Seems like it might be possible for the U1 to take the runner at 3rd and let the UIC switch responsibility, as far as tagging, to the runner at 1st and the catch.
Even in a Pre-Game discussion it's virtually impossible to discuss many of these type plays.
IMO, there is nothing like communication during these type plays.
Using Bob's eample below, if by chance you didn't discuss this in pre-game communicate with your partner during the play.
Example: R1 ONLY and is in a pcikle between 1st and second.
Rather than have your partner the BU work hard, you as PU simply head towards first and when you get there COMMUNICATE this with your partner.
I am not advocating having no PRE-game etc. but in the event something was not covered, then Communicate with your partner.
Pete Booth