Kansas State vs DePaul
1st Half - 11:30 - Technical on Bobby Huggins (Kansas State H.C.) (I walked in when the were shooting the free throws. Don't know what happened. Anyone?)
1st Half - 7:43 - Technical on Jerry Wainwright (DePaul H.C.) Arguing a PC foul.
1st half - 6:39 - Player has possession of the ball with both feet firmly planted to the floor. Player's momentum is causing him to fall OOB. Requests a timeout and is denied. The official thought about it for a second and didn't grant it. Is this something that his partner could have come over and given him information (rule). How about if it was a tie game with 5 seconds left?
1st half - 2:35 - Inadvertant Whistle on a block shot attempt - Everything handled correctly by rule. No Possession, AP, Shot Clock stayed at 11 sec. b/c same team had the AP Arrow.